MOMOC is a downloadable folder magazine for file culture, gathering contributions from all artforms that can be compressed into one or several file-extensions. The content will be presented inside a downloadable zip-file

MOMOC aims to engage with culture as digital media; challenging streamlined and centralized media clients in favor of a collective, non-hierarchical user-influenced ethos of distribution and presentation

MOMOC highlights the uniqueness of experiencing culture through the Personal Computer, the File and the Folder, intrinsically different from the cinema, gallery, phonogram or home video industries

MOMOC draws on the interconnected (pop)cultural and technical knowledge of a generation highly trained in online music and movie piracy

MOMOC is a vessel for aeshetically and conceptually relevant art, pursuing our interests through form/medium as well as content

MOMOC consciently diverges traffic from Clouds, social media and streaming services alike

MOMOC is survivalism in and of the online age, fully intent on controlling our own data by any means necessary

Excerpt from "StockholmRed_CaliWhite" by H. Söderström (MOMOC #0)